Sunday, December 7, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For? Nah

   Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, in what amounts to trash talk for this model of modesty, said some weeks ago that he would relish the opportunity to attack a Big 12 defense, where basketball-type scores became common this season.
   Wish granted. The Gators draw Oklahoma for the BCS marbles. Who knows? Maybe the super-charged offenses will produce a defensive-minded NBA game count.
   The Sooners have eclipsed 60 points in five straight games. Not to be outdone, Florida has averaged 49 points over the last nine games in the nation's best defensive league, by far.
   Thank goodness we have more than a month to decompress from the compelling game at the Georgia Dome. Sure, the other one-loss defeats can gripe, but this match-up would be the people's choice.
   Florida wound up No. 2 in the BCS ratings, No. 1 in the Associated Press. Oklahoma was the opposite. So both coaches can use the lack-of-respect angle to pump up their teams.
   We'll analyze this later -- after our decompression is done. 

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