Thursday, October 9, 2008

Let's Be Frank(lin): Did Tuberville Fib About Tony?

   There are two plausible scenarios about how the firing of Tony Franklin as Auburn's offensive coordinator Tony Franklin unfolded.
   (1.) Head coach Tommy Tuberville lied from Sunday till Tuesday when he lauded Franklin's work and said no staff changes were being considered.
   (2.) Something happened behind the scenes the past day or two that soured their relationship, either personal or philosophical.
   Here's what I think: Tuberville asked Franklin to alter his game-planning, perhaps to use less of his cherished spread offense. Or it could have been contrasting opinions on which quarterback, Chris Todd or Kodi Burns, to employ.
   Tuberville is now saying that the spread ain't dead at Auburn, which stands to reason because next year's recruiting class is tailored for that offense. So, it's peculiar that he dumped one of the foremost champions of the spread, Franklin being considered as knowledgeable as anyone about it.
   I can see Franklin unwilling to compromise. I can see Tuberville exercising his authority with a my-way-or-the-highway response.
   Given Auburn's No. 104 offensive ranking (out of 119 teams) in Division 1, a shakeup was foreseeable. Still, canning a coordinator in midseason is highly unusual. I eagerly await Franklin's take on this because we're not likely to hear the whole story from his former boss.

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